It can be found in anomalies, namely in 'Sosnodub'. Its owner is protected from chemical attack by 3 points. Blood of stoneĪn artifact that helps neutralize chemical attack. You can find the 'Crystal' if you look in the 'Zaton', on the burnt-out farm. Helps withstand high temperatures in frying conditions. Possesses heat-absorbing properties, protects from excess heat. 'Kolobok' appears in those areas where a high level of radiation and chemical pollution is recorded. In the location 'Zaton' - a swampy area, west. You need to search for this artifact in the anomalies 'Fluid', 'Sosnodub'. It is believed that this artifact affects the genetics of its owner.
The artifact 'Kolobok' is radioactive (+2). Helps to recover from any damage, adds 4 points of health. It is not easy to find it, it is distinguished by its rarity. What impact do they have, and where to find artifacts in Stalker? Gingerbread man There are the most basic and important ones, it is worth finding them first. We will tell you where to find the Call of Pripyat artifacts. The Call of Pripyat game has many artifacts that you need to discover while completing its levels. Indeed, for those who have artifacts, new opportunities open up in the game. The game is quite interesting, it makes you think and puzzle over this issue. The most inveterate computer game players, namely Stalker, are interested in looking for artifacts.